
Doctoral pre-conference

You are a PhD student and you want to join a scientific community in the Economics and Management of Innovation or KM, engage in a discussion with other PhD students, and exchange with senior researchers on topics related to innovation and knowledge management? Then join the GECSO-RNI doctoral workshop, followed by the GECSO-RNI conference. The doctoral workshop will take place in the afternoon of June 24th before the main conference.

The workshop will be organized in two stages:

  1.     A workshop debate on "where to publish?" with the participation of publishers of scientific journals,
  2.     Doctoral presentation sessions in the presence of senior researchers.

Registration fees :

Included in the conference participation

PhD students can also participate in the best communication competition, with a prize of €1000 given by RRI.

3 Types of papers to be accepted (a preference will be given for papers written by the doctoral student without a co-author):

  •     P1: Research papers (for a thesis on essays)
  •     P2: Summaries of the thesis (for traditional theses)
  •     P3: Presentations of the different tests and their coherence for theses on tests (end of thesis)

Submission procedure:

Please send a CV and an extended summary of the essay or thesis to (10 to 15 pages).

Deadline: March 10, 2020

The text must include:

  • The type of paper submitted (P1, P2 or P3)
  • The title and four keywords
  • An introduction (which highlights gaps in the literature and the associated research question)
  • A literature review (which highlights what literature tells us and what it does not tell us)
  • The methodological approach emphasizing the coherence between the research question, the mobilized literature, and the methodological approach
  • The results obtained or envisaged
  • The potential contributions of research (theoretical, methodological and/or managerial)
  • Please send a pdf file named as follows: Strasbourg_2020_ Name_Firstname
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